Rosa Elena Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy

Rosa Elena Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy

Rosa Elena Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy is an indigenous leader of the Inga people with a degree in Linguistics from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Her work focuses on communal processes and the cultural strengthening of traditional medicine, as well as the revitalization of the indigenous language and ancestral art. She has also worked extensively on the formulation of the Indigenous Public Policy within the context of the city, particularly with the structuring of the Comité Distrital de Mujeres Indígenas (Indigenous Women District’s Committee) in Bogotá. Additionally, she has worked as a representative of indigenous women with the ONIC – Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (National Indigenous Organization of Colombia) and was the founder of the Muchivioy school in the Putumayo region. She has been invited to speak internationally on subjects like Primal Law and the preservation of culture. Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy works as a healer using traditional medicine in the Tambo Sinchi Uaira in Bogota, Colombia.

    Rosa Elena Jacanamijoy Jacanamijoy
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