Taring Padi

Taring Padi

Taring Padi was founded in Yogyakarta, Indonesia in 1998 by a group of progressive art students and activists in response to the Indonesian socio-political upheavals during the reformation era and the fall of Suharto. Consequently, Taring Padi’s artistic practice is always part of and contextualised within socio-political and cultural action and solidarity with a wide range of communities and social groups. Taring Padi’s works and solidarity actions are manifested in collective works in the form of woodcut posters, large-size banners, rontek, cardboard puppets, music, carnival, and other art actions. Taring Padi often run workshops at their studio and undertake collaborative projects with communities and national and international art and political groups. With equity, diversity, and openness being paramount values, the collective embraces old and new members from different backgrounds and age groups whose multiperspectivism not only feeds and renews Taring Padi’s radical art practice, but also prevents the development of any form of exclusivity.

    Taring Padi
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